Pepper: A rather unusual Lovebird

by Ellen in Maine


(Please be patient - takes awhile to load but worth it!)


This is what Pepper likes to wear most of the time

And how she likes to view the world

She can take it off any time she likes

But then she flips it

And puts it on again

And wanders about her cage

     She even picks it up a bit and tips it over the water or food dish so she can eat and drink while still wearing it. 

      I am clueless about why she does this - not sure if she is pretending to be a turtle or she is taking a nestbox to go. This is a relatively new behavior.  She is incredibly defensive of it and I had to remove her cagemate. She sure doesn't want me cleaning her cage - tried that and got bit. We are going to have to work on that. Spring in this flock has been a huge learning experience.


Update 11/24/03: Pepper has taught her friend Isabeau how to do this - and now they do it together.



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Page created 3/27/03

Updated 11/24/03


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