Loving Memory of
Cathy Anne McNamara
January 1,
1950 - October 12, 2004
Posts Part 1
Big Bird - Blue Front Amazon
has passed
Posted by The Parrot Perch Team on 10/13/2004, 6:29 am
It is with heavy hearts, we must inform you all that The Parrot Perch
has lost CathyM to her fierce battle with Cystic Fibrosis. Though we all are experiencing
great sadness we ask that you remember Cathy as she was in life, and as she would wish to
be remembered - full of a fierce determination to enjoy life and care for others.
CathyM wished to be remembered with joy. Her life and her longevity
is something to be celebrated. We should all honor this wish. CathyM will continue to live
on in us and all those who loved her.
Her good friend SusanM/Wingie shared that "Cathy was very comfortable
and coherent up until the very last. The hospital staff was exceptional and she made true
friends among the staff, who are kind and caring. At age 1, Cathy's parents were told she
would not live long - she has the very worst genetic form of CF and has outlived everyone.
Her husband, Bob, and son, Jason, were with her when she passed on Tuesday
Oct 12, 2004 at 2:45 EST.
We will be setting up a guestbook for people to post enduring thoughts and tributes
when we are able.
Thank you all for your prayers and support for CathyM and her family.
In Bob's wonderful words "She died very peacefully and to us seemed
very beautiful."
The Parrot Perch Team
CathyM - Rafferty and Elpee wish you a wonderful flight on
unclipped wings Posted by cathy in auz, perch host on 10/13/2004, 6:41 am
Love you mate. |
Fly high... Posted by
Skybird on 10/13/2004, 6:47 am, in reply to
"CathyM - Rafferty and Elpee wish you a wonderful flight on unclipped wings"
with Little Bird and Birdy...
If only my arms were long enough to reach up and embrace you. |
CathyM ....... Posted by
Juanita on 10/13/2004, 7:04 am, in reply to
"CathyM - Rafferty and Elpee wish you a wonderful flight on unclipped wings"
Your life is a living legacy to all who knew you. You could have given up while still
young and untried, yet, you fought to have a life and all the joys that come with it.
You found your life's mate, and also your beloved son. People who knew of your disease were
amazed. Yet, you were determined to make the most of years you were given. You gave liberally
of your love and concern for others and for all the creatures of the earth. You have left a
footprint here below, Cathy, a footprint of what love and determination can do within the
human heart. You left us, not sorry for your hard fight, but with joy to have overcome long
enough to live life to its' fullest.
You have begun a new journey now, and it will be filled with new wonders and new joys,
but no longer will you need to fight for breath. Soar to the very heights, dear Cathy, soar
and feel the wind beneath your wings, and know that your life touched so many, many lives.
We will miss you CathyM!!!! Posted by
Ellen in Maine, ph admin on 10/13/2004, 7:56 am,in reply to
"CathyM - Rafferty and Elpee wish you a wonderful flight on unclipped wings"
It was too hard to believe when I got the news last night. You have beaten the odds so long
- I thought, hoped, wanted to believe you would do it again. You have been an inspiration to me
- from the very first time we "met" back in early 2001. You took the time to email
me about something while you were on your way for a tune-up. You always thought of others
It will take some time to grasp that such a wonderful person is not just an email or
post away any more. But I know you are free from all your physical body had to deal with.
You will continue to inspire all that knew you and you will live on. And I hope your family
and friends will be comforted by how loved you have been and how much we will all miss you!!!
What a wonderful way to remember a very special person Posted by
Beth, perch host on 10/13/2004, 8:19 am, in reply to
"Here's some great CathyM stuff!!"
CathyM, you have a beautiful soul, no matter what your physical body put you thru, you stayed
beautiful. May you no longer struggle to breath, may you fly free.
Love always,
Picture One More Time Posted by
Jo Gall on 10/13/2004, 8:20 am, in reply to
"Here's some great CathyM stuff!!"
Here is our beautiful Cathy I believe just last year
Please join with me in knowing that when I left my visit with Cathy not too
long ago I gave her a big kiss from TPP and that she took with her.
Love ya Cath! Fly free and give all our fids over that bridge a great
big scritch.
Re: CathyM - Rafferty and Elpee wish you a wonderful flight on unclipped wings
Posted by Sara on 10/13/2004, 8:20 am,in reply to
"CathyM - Rafferty and Elpee wish you a wonderful flight on unclipped wings"
I'm at a loss for words now, but all I can say is that we all love and miss
Dearest CathyM... Posted by
Joy in NH, perch host on 10/13/2004, 8:30 am, in reply to
"CathyM - Rafferty and Elpee wish you a wonderful flight on unclipped wings"
We will miss you, and remember you with love. Thank you for being such a
wonderful part of our lives. I feel blessed to have known you
Hugs to all.
Ohhh! Posted by
Vickie on 10/13/2004, 8:35 am, in reply to
"CathyM - Rafferty and Elpee wish you a wonderful flight on unclipped wings"
I was so hoping she'd come back soon. God be with her and her family.
I will continue to send many prayers their way.
Giving even toward the end Posted by
Jan in MD, perch host on 10/13/2004, 9:23 am, in reply to
"CathyM - Rafferty and Elpee wish you a wonderful flight on unclipped wings"
My good friend Bianca had her then 18 month old son recently diagnosed with
CF and was just devastated. She had tried for many, many years to conceive and was blessed to
have a daughter and then shortly thereafter, had her son. A true miracle!
I had asked CathyM if she would be so kind as to speak to Bianca and
answer some of her questions as to what life held for their family with this in their lives.
Of course she agreed. While in the hospital, they had hour long talks and they laughed and
afterward, Bianca's heart was at peace. Even in her fight against the issues of the
devastating situation, CathyM was unselfish and giving.
This is what we all will remember about our friend. Her giving and
loving heart.
A beautiful story. Posted by
Vickie on 10/13/2004, 9:43 am, in reply to
"Giving even toward the end"
Thanks so much for sharing.
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. But others come, leave footprints in our
hearts... Posted by
Harvest, perch host on 10/13/2004, 9:27 am, in reply to
"CathyM - Rafferty and Elpee wish you a wonderful flight on unclipped wings"
and we are never the same. (Flavia)
CathyM, what a bittersweet moment knowing that you are at last flying
free. I see those foot prints you've made in my heart and I know that no one else's
feet can ever replace those tracks, nor would I want them to. Your gifts of love
and generosity and continuing spirit shine so brightly... You lived gently and touched every
soul that came across your way with sweetness. Such gifts to the world are always missed
when gone.
Your heart always amazes me. Your great, big, all encompassing heart.
The same one that allowed you to speak comfort to me even as you lay in a hospital
bed. Oh how you shine.
Thank you for being in my life. The world is a little more dim today. But I
believe that tonight when I look up at the stars I'll find a twinkle and know that you
still are here.
With all my love...
yes it is Posted by
Tammy on 10/13/2004, 10:38 am, in reply to
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. But others come, leave footprints in our hearts..."
an odd sensation.....I am so sad to know that Cathy is gone, I will miss her
cheery posts and stories about her sweet fids.... yet I know she is feeling better now,
not struggling to breathe.....
OH Cathy, you were the sweetest nicest person, always concerned about my
little Isaac and Peri....
I jsut don't now what to say.....my thoughts and prayers are with your
family.........and take care of all the birdies at the bridges, I know you are......
I'm sorry Posted by
GG on 10/13/2004, 4:21 pm, in reply to
"CathyM - Rafferty and Elpee wish you a wonderful flight on unclipped wings"
I didn't really "know" Cathy, but I know all of you were
friends with her and I'm sorry for your loss

~GG and Rainbow~
CathyM.. Posted by
Beckie on 10/13/2004, 4:41 pm, in reply to
"CathyM - Rafferty and Elpee wish you a wonderful flight on unclipped wings"
Fly high Cathy, you will be missed, remembered & loved by all here.
I'm so terribly sorry to hear of this
I'll miss you Cathy. Posted by
Allison on 10/13/2004, 6:06 pm, in reply to
"CathyM - Rafferty and Elpee wish you a wonderful flight on unclipped wings"
I really will. My sympathy's to all her families and friends and to
those whose live's she touched.
Yes, swift journey, friend. Posted by
Buffet Umbitoo on 10/14/2004, 6:17 am, in reply to
"CathyM - Rafferty and Elpee wish you a wonderful flight on unclipped wings"
You will be so very very missed, and always remembered. Know you helped make a
difference in so many lives, both with and without feathers.
I just wanted to say Posted by
Marlo on 10/13/2004, 10:28 am
I read of Cathy's passing early this morning. It kind of knocked the wind out
of me so I signed off without posting. Since then I have been thinking about how lucky I am
to have the support system we all have in this group. I don't know a lot of you well but
I share your joy and pain right along with you. I am surprised on a regular basis how close
I feel to people I have never met and most likely never will meet.
I never thought I would find what I did by searching the web. I was
looking for a tiel breeder and to learn how to properly care for my bird. What I found was
a great group of people to share my love of birds. On TAT a few months before I got Ollie I met
Clare. Clare has since become a treasured friend. She directed me to this site. Here I found a group
of people who are friendly, kind, supportive, encouraging, and sometimes silly.
I just want to say to all of you, thank you. Thank you for being there for
each other when needed, for giving a smile and laugh to brighten the day, for being tough when it is
called for and for sharing your knowledge and experience.
I have looked around at a bunch of different message boards but I am always
thankful to be able to come back here. I think sometimes it is easy to take things for
granted. Losing Cathy, although I didn't know her well, has made me realize how much this
site and the people here mean to me. Ellen you and the other perch hosts (past and present) do a
great job and keeping this site going the way you do. Keep up the great work.
Ok I'll stop rambling now.
Very well said Posted by
Vickie on 10/13/2004, 10:33 am, in reply to
"I just wanted to say "
and I completely agree.
Can I Posted by
Tammy on 10/13/2004, 10:42 am, in reply to "Very well said"
"third" it???
you all even have put up with one of my big temper tantrums....
(sorry, sometimes we all just let off steam)
it's a great bunch of people at this perch!
For Cathy M Posted by
no names on 10/13/2004, 10:55 am
Although I didn't know you much
And we never really spoke a word
It's plain to see the lives you touched
And that your voice was clearly heard.
I honestly don't know what to say
When I read through all these pages
As I learn about your life today
I saw that you were so courageous.
It's sad how we take others for granted
How we pretend that forever will last
Then news leaves us feeling empty handed
When we hear of a friend who has passed.
You showed us all that life can start
With the spirit you have inside
Add an ounce from within your heart
And then you stir it all up with pride.
We learn a little more each day
So don't ever think that you'll be gone
We take what we've learned along the way
And with hope we all try to carry on.
You may be gone but we'll never forget
Will you please say a prayer for me?
We look back on life and never regret
Because you'll live long in our memory.
rest in peace, Cathy M
Thank you... Posted by
Skybird on 10/13/2004, 11:04 am, in reply to "For Cathy M"
sorrow is hard to put into words, but you've encaptured sorrow and
courage in your poem.
I feel as if I lost a family member of my own ... Posted by
Cathy and the girls on 10/13/2004, 11:44 am, in reply to
"Thank you..."
each time someone leaves us here on the board. But thank God Cathy wasn't
suffering horribly.:'(
Tears in my eyes,
Cathy and the girls
Thank you for such beautiful and heartfelt words of love. Posted by
Juanita on 10/13/2004, 1:13 pm, in reply to "For Cathy M"
It is strange for "outsiders" to understand
the depth of feeling we come to have for our friends on the internet, especially when we
share a common love, our birds. My grief when one of our number leaves is no less
than a friend across the street. Sometimes, I actually feel closer to those on the net
whom I have never met in person, than with those with whom I share my life all the
time. Somehow, not being face-to-face, we reach deeper into ourselves so that the
person on the other end can truly understand us.
I have friends here who have touched me so deeply and whom I love so much,
like Cathy, that is hard to believe we will never see that post again. Yet, Cathy, along with
others who have gone before us, live on in my heart every day. That is the wonderful thing
about love.
Again, thank you for those beautiful words and feelings.
That is very beautiful - thank you np Posted by
cathy in auz, perch host on 10/13/2004, 4:05 pm, in reply to "For Cathy M"
Some words I wrote in 2001 not knowing they were for Cathy....... Posted by
Juanita on 10/13/2004, 12:58 pm
Life is a gift with beginning and end
Its' secret contained in how we will spend
Our time here on earth whether happy or sad
Is here in our hearts be it good or bad
What do we choose, how should we feel
As life ever changes and with pain we must deal
Do we turn bitter and blame everyone
When our hearts are broken with no place to run
Or do we accept both the joy and the pain
Of losses and loves and experience gain
Do we harden our hearts and refuse to care
Or accept our trials and others' burdens to share
Whether our time here is short, or be it long
Life should be both weak and strong
As we are forged by the Master's hand
Into a vessel that is worthy to stand
Tall and proud and able to say
I changed a life as I walked this way
My footsteps will fade and time will forget
But the good I have left I'll never regret
For life is a gift with beginning and end
Its' gift is contained in the time we will spend.
Cathy, your time was well spent and you enjoyed this gift of life with all
your heart.
That's beautiful, Juanita Posted by
GG on 10/13/2004, 4:23 pm, in reply to
"Some words I wrote in 2001 not knowing they were for Cathy....... "
I just love your poems.
That one is very inspirational to me, and as always, very beautiful.
That is most definitely about Cathy Posted by
cathy in auz, perch host on 10/13/2004, 4:42 pm, in reply to
"Some words I wrote in 2001 not knowing they were for Cathy....... "
She had joy not sorrow for life.
I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of Cathy M....... Posted by
Betty in Texas on 10/13/2004, 1:56 pm
She was indeed a very special person and will be missed by all. My thoughts
and prayers go to her family and all her friends. Betty
I also am very sorry to hear about Cathy.
Posted by chris on 10/13/2004, 2:26 pm, in reply to
"I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of Cathy M......."
I have been out of town since the 6th and have missed alot but this is truly
sad. I will miss her sense of humor and her caring way. My thoughts are with her family at
this time of loss.
oh.. Posted by
BiscuitKeet&Kristen on 10/13/2004, 2:43 pm, in reply to
"I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of Cathy M......."
Not being a board regular, I didn't "know" her, but she was very
nice. Biscuit and I offer our sympathies
oh my Posted by
pat on 10/13/2004, 3:36 pm, in reply to
"I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of Cathy M......."
how sorry I am to hear about Cathy's
passing. Not being a good friend and knowing
her very long, I still feel her loss. She
seems to have been such an inspiration for
CF. Sounds like she gave many others a hope
for life. I to will miss seeing her name in
the messages.
Re: I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of Cathy M.......
Posted by Mj on 10/13/2004, 4:57 pm, in reply to
"I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of Cathy M......."
sending warm thoughts and lots of prayers in this time of sadness she will
be deeply missed ...Love & blessing Mj
CathyM... Posted by
Andrea in NY on 10/13/2004, 6:01 pm, in reply to "
I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of Cathy M......."
As so many of us here, I had been hoping and
wishing for yet another miraculous recovery.
But knowing that she wanted to be remembered with happiness and joy,
not in sadness makes me think how much joy she had in her life and how openly
she shared that joy with everyone. Little things matter very much in this life,
and we should never forget that. Everyone should give their family and fids a little
extra love today and just appreciate the special bonds you have in life.
My condolances go out to everyone who knew Cathy, whether intimately or just casually,
we have lost a wonderful woman.
Re: I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of Cathy M.......
Posted by Lillian Brady on 10/13/2004, 6:21 pm, in reply to
"I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of Cathy M......."
Our prayers are with CathyM's family during their time of grief.
my Prayers and condolences to Cathy M's family & friends.. np
Posted by kay & Topaz on 10/13/2004, 9:32 pm, in reply to
"I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of Cathy M......."
Turkeys for CathyM Posted by Beth, perch host
on 10/13/2004, 2:01 pm
Driving home from Physical Therapy today, I felt sad and alone, I was thinking
about Cathy, her family and her beloved birds. Then I saw a field with around 50 wild turkey
hens! I couldn't belelive it!!! I have never seen so many turkeys at one time. It had to be
Cathy telling me to cheer up. Life is beautiful. I pulled over, watched them for a while, and
continued home.
Thank you Cathy, for teaching us how beautiful life can be.
oh, too cool!! Posted by
Skybird on 10/13/2004, 2:22 pm, in reply to "Turkeys for CathyM "
The thought of this makes me think about Cathy and her turkey photos and
when they first went up on the board!! I thought how amazing it was that she was able to
capture them on camera.
Of course it also made me giggle because Ellen mentioned how wild turkeys
used to wait for her to come out of her house to chase her.
That's great. Posted by
cathy in auz, perch host on 10/13/2004, 4:40 pm, in reply to "Turkeys for CathyM "
I somehow think we're all going to have someone pushing us over to the side
of the road, forcing us to see life with different eyes now.
Sending all our Prayers out to CathyM's family God Bless!
Posted by PreciousFids Board on 10/13/2004, 5:01 pm
here at PreciousFids we what let to offer our deepest sympathy to all Cathy family &
friends very warm thought & prayers ...God Bless her an let her soul soar..
Its late at night here, and Posted by
Midge on 10/13/2004, 7:04 pm
I'm sat at my computer remembering some of Cathy's posts, I'm so sad that we
will not see them again, but so happy that Cathy made so much of her life, she knew the joys
of being a wife and a mother, she knew how precious life itself is, and she leaves this
earth behind knowing how loved and respected she was by so many people, I send my prayers
up for Cathy's family, that her spirit gets them thru the sad days of loss, and a
celebration prayer of thanks for the person she was.
I am remembering a vicar whose eulogy for a child i knew, put death firmly in
perspective, As we stand on a dock and watch a loved one aboard a ship going on a
journey, we wave til they are out of sight, and at their destination, someone waits to
welcome them, as they sail away from us, we can no longer see them, but it doesn't mean
they have left us, in our hearts they remain, and we know that loved ones have
welcomed them at the end of their journey, so Cathy, safe journey, you stay in my
heart, God bless and keep you safe, Midge and flock
What beautiful and comforting imagery Posted by
Ellen in Maine, ph admin on 10/13/2004, 7:18 pm, in reply to
"Its late at night here, and"
What a wonderful way to think of this right now. Thank you!
Yes, I agree Posted by
Beth, perch host on 10/13/2004, 7:57 pm,in reply to
"What beautiful and comforting imagery"
a beautiful image came to mind!
Thank You Midge Posted by
Satibape, perch host on 10/13/2004, 8:04 pm, in reply to
"Its late at night here, and"
The priest at my church told this story also when my fiancé had passed away back in 1988.
Thank you for reminding me of the comfort I got from that.
Beautiful imagery Posted by
cathy in auz, perch host on 10/14/2004, 4:32 am,
in reply to "Its late at night here, and"
I took some solace from that Midge - thank you.
Oh boy - that really did it for me. Posted by
Sharon, perch host on 10/14/2004, 12:41 pm, in reply to
"Its late at night here, and"
I know CathyM is in a better place however my heart is aching for her family
and friends who will be watched over by her loving presence but missing her terribly.
Thanks for the wonderful picture in my mind's eye Midge.
And I know she is also visiting with all of our feathered and furred kids
who are up there waiting for us.
Monet - Princess of Wales Parakeet

At the Family's
Request, contributions may be made to:
The Children's
Lung Foundation
2300 Overlook Rd. #406
Cleveland, Ohio 44106
in Memory of Cathy
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