Big Bird's Butt Bath

by Cathy M.


This is presented as one of a series of Fun Photo Essays.  Thank you Cathy M. for sharing your Parrot Humor and Fun Photos of your Blue Front Amazon, Big Bird, with us!


First you gotta position yourself high above 
the water bowl (er, bath tub!)


Then you ease on down into the bath tub!

Okay, sliding down butt-first didn't work,
time to reposition.

How about head first?

I'll just straddle the thing and maybe I'll sink in!



All photos were taken by Cathy M. of her own birds and are property of Cathy M.  They may not be used or reproduced without permission. 

Page Created 6/24/03

Updated 10/21/03

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In Loving Memory


Cathy McNamara




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© 2002 - 2004 & Web design by Ellen at All graphics and art, as well as the contents of these pages, is owned by Ellen at They may not be reproduced or copied in any form without permission.  The photos on these pages are individually copyrighted.  If you wish to use anything, please email me to seek permission.

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