Special Memories
- a Tribute to Serena's Life
To the Beeton family,
I know I don't need to tell you what a beautiful daughter you had because you already know that. She truly was a loving & caring person & so compassionate,
when someone would post about one of their birds that were sick, flew away, got hurt somehow, she would be the first to come to their aid...I guess a lot of us
remember how distraught she was during Willows life, she would always post to let us know how he was doing or just to get someone's advice to see if what she was
doing sounded like the right thing to do...
I am so happy that I have one of her clay tiels, I will treasure it always & think of Serena each time I look at it, I will never forget the night I found out
about the terrible tragedy, I was in such a state of shock, it felt as if I knew her personally like she was part of my family. I can tell you Mr. & Mrs. Beeton,
all of us on The Parrot Perch are like family, we all talk about the one thing we have in common, our birds & we even go Off Topic at times & talk about
things we just need to get out of our system & there is someone there always willing to listen, & Serena was one of those people.
I am happy to have known her & again I just want to tell you how sorry I am about your dear Serena, & I will remember her always especially each time I touch
my clay tiel.
Serena drawn as an Angel by © Lori
May not be reproduced without permission from the artist
I think that over the four years I have known Serena, the one that probably is the most memorable is
what I called the "dark night of her soul" regarding what she should do about Willow. All the vets she took him to see said "euthanize him". Serena did not believe in that unless there was
no hope or excruciating pain. She emailed me and asked me to please share my thoughts and my wisdom with her regarding Willow. I replied to her that in my heart I always felt that "where
there is life, there is hope". Willow was not in pain he was just in a bad physical situation as far as not being able to walk and beating his wings against things and causing them to bleed.
I asked if she could not make some changes in his cage and adjust for that. We emailed back and forth and she was very upset that none of the vets she had taken him to see wanted to help him,
just kill him. We talked of the way people see disabilities, even in pets, and the fact that some people just see pets as easily discardable. She shared how some neighbors had moved away and
left their cat after having him for 4-5 years. Of course, Serena rescued him.
Before she died, she emailed another friend and told her how much my encouragement meant to her during that time. I never knew until my friend forwarded her email. Just goes to show what a word
of encouragement may mean to someone in need or emotional distress.
Portrait of Willow ©
Photo provided by Mr. & Mrs. Beeton
May not be reproduced without permission
My fondest memory was her kindness and concern for anyone who wrote something in Heads Over Tiels,
and how she always tried to give soothing words of understanding and was never critical of anyone's belief's or opinions....She loved her birds and was just as concerned over everyone
else's when they had a problem or needed advice. I am sure she is the "Bird Keeper" of Rainbow Bridge now and that she welcomes all of them with loving arms and cares for them.....
as they fly to her....
Dona in Calif
Toby by Janet©
May not be reproduced without permission from the artist
She always had a kind word for everyone, and she had a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy huge heart, for human and
fids alike. Plus, she made the cutest birdie sculptures, too! She was one remarkable young lady - one who is so truly loved!
tiel lover
Serena's Last Wish by Lori ©
May not be reproduced without permission from the artist
There were many fond memories of Serena...
Of course her concern for Willow which we also spoke endlessly about - and through my losing Harry and her losing Willow - a year later we both shared that same pain - this was her last
post to me ...
"Thanks Karen...for saying you saw a sparkle in Willow's eye. I think that is what worried me the most....that he was unhappy. I saw that sparkle for quite
some time...up until he got real sick and then he lost it. That's when I knew it wouldn't be long....
Anyway hugs to you,
serena "
(I can't bring myself to delete that one)
And most recently, how she was attempting to purchase her new bird from the pet shop, then having to decide to purchase it's friend because they were bonded...and then needing to also
look into purchasing the "challenged" little fid was never picked up by the person that put a deposit on it! LOL She was beyond sweet and should have just bought the whole pet
store itself!!!! Her heart was just that big.
Buddy &Weasel
As many of you know, and some may not know, on Sept 11th, I worked (and still do) just about 1/2 a mile from
the World Trade Center. After the Towers were hit (and I had a nice view from my office), we were evacuated. While I was trying to get home, walking through the streets of Manhattan with thousands
of other people, little did I know that I had an entire bird community worried about me. Twelve hours after I left the house that beautiful September morning, I arrived back home. My flock was
strangely silent and I cuddled them all. When I got onto the internet, I saw frantic messages asking me if I was okay. I was lucky to be able to reply and say yes.
On that September 11th, a special tiel was hatched. This is Mary's tiel that she named Spirit. Mary, the sweetness that she is, offered to give me Spirit, knowing what I went through on that day.
I didn't take Spirit, but Mary gave me much to fill my own spirit and hope in humankind by the offer.
As the first anniversary of September 11th was coming near, I reached out to Serena, who already knew of my harrowing experience. I asked her to make me a lutino tiel like my first
tiel, SunnyBird - but it would be a Spirit tiel, like Mary's tiel. I wanted this tiel to represent the spirit of NY and the spirit of my country. We exchanged many emails and she would ask me
a question here and there, as if she was gathering information to pour into her art to create the sculpture.
This is Serena's creation that she made for me. Thank you, Serena.
Spirit Tiel by Serena, Photo by Skybird ©
May not be reproduced without permission from the photographer
My memory of Serena came as I was taking the pics of the tiel as an angel. I had wanted a
sculpture made to look like Herbie but dressed as an angel. I asked Serena if she could do any sculptures that way and she said she had already done some but not posted pictures
on the boards. So, I asked her to make me 3 angel sculptures. I used 2 of them as Christmas presents and the people I gave them to loved them. As you can see I kept the 3rd one.
Lillian Brady & Herbie
Herbie, Tiel Angel by Serena, Photo by Lillian Brady ©
May not be reproduced without permission from the photographer
***If you would like to add a
memory, photo, artwork or tribute
to Serena - please contact Ellen in Maine***
Our Other Memorial Pages:
In Loving Memory of Serena Beeton (msbee122) - Page 1
Serena's Garden of Clay Creations - Page 2
Christmas Tribute to Serena and Eric
- Page 4
One Year Anniversary Tribute to Serena Beeton & Eric Lashbaugh
- Page 5
From the Heart: Joann's Poems to Eric and Serena
(poetry by Eric's mother) - Page 6
The Beginning of a Wonderful Friendship
by Serena Beeton - Page 7
Remembering Serena and Eric
- Page 8
Links to Other Memorial Sites for Serena:
Loving Condolences in the Loss of Serena
(in French)
Guestbook - Potomac News Online
Serena's favorite rescue:
Special thank you to Brenda & Dennis Beeton, Serena's parents, for providing the photo of the portrait of Serena's Willow.
Thanks also to those who were personally willing to share their memories of Serena and artwork with us.
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Page Created 4/16/03 by Ellen in Maine
© 2001-2011 For the Love of Birds
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