of Ken & Carol Highfill, courtesy of Carol Highfill)
can we who love our fids not stop and acknowledge
The passing of one who devoted years of teaching and caring
He had a heart and deep love for these feathered angels
He set into motion a way to instruct us, of their care, and of sharing
love he had for these intelligent and loving creations
He stepped out with his love into a new field barely known
Telling the online world that birds are not bird-brained at all
Setting into place, a venue where all could go and be shown
things necessary to ensure that our feathered angels would live
Happy and healthy lives and that their emotional needs would be met
He must have been needed On the Other Side of the Rainbow Bridge
I am certain that he is surrounded by millions of birds, many who did not forget
That he was there, in the beginning, to educate all of us so ignorant
Of the proper care and foods that they would need for a long, healthy life
It was the first place I found when my feathered angel came to live with me
I loved him so very much and my heart was so afraid and filled with strife
I searched the net for someone who could tell me what was needed to be done
Ensuring a long and happy life to this bit of fluff who quickly stole my heart
I found a place called Tiel Talk and my journey had begun and my pathway laid
Thank you, Ken, for giving us a pathway upon which to walk and not depart
sure the brilliance of the feathers there must daunt the keenest eye
Conversations with the multitude and the sounds of sweet, sweet grinding beaks
Is truly heaven for you, sir, as you go about identifying species not yet known
We thank you, for your legacy to so many of us, upon itself bespeaks…
will be missed
Juanita – August 31, 2004

The Rose Beyond The Wall
A rose once grew where all could see,
Sheltered beside a garden wall,
And as the days passed swiftly by,
It spread its branches straight and tall.
One day a beam of light shown through,
A crevice that had opened wide,
The rose bent gently towards its warmth,
Then passed beyond to the other side.
Now you who deeply feel its loss,
Be comforted - the rose blooms there.
Its beauty even greater now,
Nurtured by God's own loving care.
Author Unknown
Submitted by Carolyn, Tiel
Talk - Moderator

When I wake up in the morning
I ask myself
How will I get through this day
Without You
As I dress and prepare to start my day
I wonder
How will I go on
Without You
As the day slowly slips away
I remember how you made me laugh
And I smile
Without You
At the end of the day
As I prepare to close my eyes
I know in my HEART
I couldn't have gotten through the day
Author Unknown
Submitted by Satibape
Parrot Perch - perch host, and Tiel Chat advisor
Please sign Ken's
Memorial Guestbook!

Some Articles by
Ken Highfill:
A Bird's Eye View of Eating
Etiquette by Carol & Ken Highfill at Winged Wisdom Pet Bird Magazine, Ezine
Humorous Look
At Parrot Playing Techniques by Carol & Ken Highfill at Winged Wisdom Pet
Bird Magazine, Ezine (BirdsnWays)
It's All the
Birds' Fault - A Poem by Ken Highfill at Winged Wisdom Pet Bird Magazine,
Ezine (BirdsnWays)
Ants Be Gone! -
A Bird Safe Method That Works by Ken Highfill at Winged Wisdom Pet Bird
Magazine, Ezine (BirdsnWays)
Fab Four Fables -
I - VIII by Ken Highfill at Winged Wisdom Pet Bird Magazine, Ezine (BirdsnWays)
Fab Four Fables
- IX by Ken Highfill at Winged Wisdom Pet Bird Magazine, Ezine (BirdsnWays)
In lieu of flowers and cards,
the administrators of Macaw Talk, Quaker Talk, Tiel Talk and Tooz Talk suggest you make a
donation to
The Center for Consumer Freedom in Ken's Name |
"We'll Meet Again"
(submitted by Harvest & Satibape - Thank You!)
Midi lyrics:
We'll meet again
Don't know where
Don't know when
But I know
We'll meet again
Some sunny day
Keep smilin' thru
Just like you
Always do
'Til the blue skies drive
The dark clouds
Far away
And will you please say hello
to the folks that i know
Tell'em that I won't be long
And they'll be happy to know
That when you saw me go
I was singing this song
We'll meet again
Don't know where
Don't know when
But I know
We'll meet again
Some sunny day
Yeah we'll meet again
I don't know where
Anf I don't know when
But I do know
That we'll meet again
Some sunny day
So Honey
Keep on smilin' thru
Just like you always do
'Til the blue skies
Drive the dark clouds
Far away
And would you please say hello
To all the folks that I know
And tell'em I won't be long
They'll be happy to know
That when you saw me go
I was singing this song
[With Choir:]
We'll meet again
Don't know where
Don't know when
But I know
We'll meet again
Some sunny day

Midi We'll Meet Again by
Johnny Cash from
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Page Created 9/4/04 by Ellen in Maine
© 2001-2011 For the Love of Birds