Close and Personal
with the Scaley Breasted Lories :)
By Cathy & John,
Queensland, Australia
Mmmm, the selection in this weeping bottlebrush are limitless!
Yummo, this bottlebrush tastes
Hmmm, which bit next?
Can't a bird eat in peace just ONCE?

How about this for entree?
Oh, okay, just a little more, thanks.
Ah, I love a colourful main course.
Burp! I'll never fit dessert in after this!
Thank you Cathy & John for sharing your Parrot Humor and Fun Photos of your
local wild birds, Scaley
Breasted Lorikeets!
Photo Essay Created by
& John, Queensland, Australia 11/22/2003 Page
Created 11/25/03
Updated 11/24/04
photos were taken by
Cathy & John, Queensland, Australia and are property of
Cathy & John, Queensland, Australia.
They may not be used or reproduced without permission.

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