Fun Photo Essays presents:

Bathing: A How-to by Kayla
the Moustache Parakeet

by Skybird


First it's really important to step in the water - make sure your human has that spray bottle ready to start misting you! Spread your wings out to show her you're ready!!


Then step onto the side of the bowl and really hold on tight!! Lean over...


And DUNK your head in all the way!


Really get into it! Way past your Nares and Eyes! Wow - I can see the bottom of the water bowl!


Okay, wipe off your eyes and clean out your nares with a good sneeze!


Hey, Mom - Great Bath!!


Thank you Skybird for sharing your Parrot Humor and Fun Photos of your Moustache Parakeet Kayla with us!

Photo Essay Created by Skybird

Page Created 3/30/03

Updated 11/24/04

Photos were taken by Skybird of her own birds and are property of Skybird.  They may not be used or reproduced without permission.



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Photos on Fun Photo Essay border and Logo were taken by Ellen of her own birds and are property of Ellen at  

 None of the contents of these pages may be used, reproduced or copied without my permission.  If you wish to use anything, please email to seek permission.

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